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Anthony Northeast Zone to Goal!

12:25PM August 30, 2018

Addresses located in the Northeast zone are ready for service!

Please refer to the map below. If your address is located in a blue area, we are ready to move forward with a service order for install. If you have already preregistered on CrowdFiber, monitor your email inbox for correspondence from SCTelcom.

If you are located in a blue area and have NOT preregistered for service, enter your address to the right to get started. During this stage, the installation fee has been reduced to $25. Once construction in your zone is complete and our crews have moved on to the next zone, an increased installation fee will be applied. There will also be a delay in activation of service due to the fact our crews have moved on to the next zone.

As always, please contact us at 877-723-6875 if you have any questions. 

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